German Swords, Armor, Maces, Helmets and more
The Germanic tribes existence would have been brief in history had it not been for the Gothic tribes. These tribes overran the western Empire of Rome and permanently set Europe on a new cultural course. The Goths in southern Russia came into contact with Turkish and Persian civilization and they adopted some of the agricultural, domestic, and military technology of these civilizations. They developed a warrior culture that was essentially democratic in character. The Goths also developed one of the most effective cavalries in the world at the time and was considered unbeatable by those who came against it. Individual tribes and families dedicated their origins back to sacred animals, a common practice among the European peoples.
Gross Messer Sword
Known throughout Germany as the "Big Knife", the Grosse Messer hails from central and northern Europe where, in far off days of old, noblemen and peasants alike relied on it to protect hearth and home...
Price (USD) : $269.99 
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By: Deepeeka
The Writhen Hilt Sword in the Royal Armouries i...
Stock: Out Of Stock
Price (USD): $238.99
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By: Deepeeka
The German Teutonic Knights were a military ord...
Stock: Out Of Stock
Price (USD): $89.99
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