Pine Crane Katana - Photo Gallery

sd35290 tsuba

The Pine Crane Tsuba

pine crane katana tsuka

The black cotton tsuka-ito is beautifully contrasted by the white same, silver crane menuki, seppa, habaki and the bronzed fittings.

pine crane katana tsuba

The Pine Crane motif carries throughout both pieces in stirring flows of earth tones. The embossing on the bronzed steel tsuba, fuchi and kashira is so finely detailed echoing life in art.

dragon king pine crane katana

The artisans of Dragon King offer us another exquisite piece of revered symbolism from Japanese culture with the Pine Crane Daisho Set.

bronzed steel tsuba

The embossing on the bronzed steel tsuba, is so finely detailed echoing life in art.

pine crane samurai sword

Pine Crane Samurai Sword from Frenchie Jin.

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