Roman Pompeii Gladius - Photo Gallery

500598 gladius the pompeii

Roman Gladius Pompeii

pompeii gladius chape

Brass Chape on the Gladius Scabbard

pompeii gladius locket

Brass Locket with rings for a Roman Baldric

pompeii gladius pommel

The blade has a full tang that extends through the hilt and secured with a pommel button.

pompeii gladius grip

The Pompeii Gladius has an ash and maple handle

pompeii gladius guard

Wooden guard on the Pompeii Gladius

pompeii gladius steel bolster

Thick steel bolster between the guard and blade

pompeii gladius hilt

Nicely crafted wooden gladius hilt

pompeii style gladius

Roman Pompeii Gladius Sword from the Pompeii Ruins

windlass pompeii gladius

The original Roman gladius were excavated from the ruins of Pompeii

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