APOC Chop House Knife - Photo Gallery

APOC Chop House Knife

APOC Chop House Knife

APOC Chop House Knife Sheathed

APOC Chop House Knife Sheathed

APOC Chop House Knife Sheath

APOC Chop House Knife Sheath

apoc chophouse cleaver

Draw your APOC Chop House knife and stalk the only prey you can find

g 10 grips

The full tang contoured handle grips the milled G10 slabs

full tang cleaver

At 5.5mm thick this black anodized coated full tang blade gives as much as it can take.

cleaver blade

The APOC Chop House cleaver style balde butchers your target and not your fortitude

the chop house

The barbeque is over, and the landscape is laid waste in nuclear fire. You draw your APOC Chop House knife and stalk your prey

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