Brass Ishizuki on the Paul Chen yari.
A detailed protected cap finsihes off the beautiful japanese yari by Hanwei.
The shaft (ebu) is finished in a textured black and has a flattened side at the bottom section for blade orientation.
The tangs are long to absorb the shock of a blow.
Wooden protective saya or cover for the yari blade.
The one-piece staff construction reinforces the durability of the spear.
Detailed fittings accent the one piece construction of this Japanese yari.
Great addition for those who train in sojutsu.
The blade is forged in T10 high-carbon steel and is triangulated and double-edged with a deep fuller on the flat side of the blade.
Differential tempering results in a clear hamon on each edge.
This piece is modeled after the su-yari or “straight-spear” design.
The Yari by Paul Chen was an essential battlefield weapon of the Samurai in feudal Japan and took great skill to use and maneuver, due to its length and size.
The blade is forged in T10 high-carbon steel and is triangulated.
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