The Lotus has a midare or irregular hamon line
The point or kissaki of the wakizashi blade
The wakizashi completes the motif with a bold statement both physically and metaphorically without being audacious in design.
Silver seppa and habaki of the Dragon King Lotus Seed Wakizashi.
A samurai wore two swords; the matching Katana, or long sword, is also available to complete your collection.
Violet cotton wrapped tsuka ito of the Lotus Seed Wakizashi.
Brown cotton sageo with buffalo horn kurigata.
The immaculately detailed budding seed pod following the shedding of its pedals centers the entire piece.
Copper seeds accent the blackened furniture throughout the handle.
The 19 3/8” forged T10 blade features a midare or irregular hamon (temper) line much like the path of life with its ups and downs.
As the bloom fades the maturing seeds fall back in to the mud to continue the cycle of rebirth, which is so beautifully depicted in our Lotus Seed Daisho set from Dragon King.
A beautiful symbol of the circular journey of enlightenment, the lotus seed starts its life in the muck before growing in to a stalk to emerge from the muddy water to blossom.
2-840 Dulaney Drive London, Ontario, Canada, N6C 5A4
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