Arabic Jambiya - Photo Gallery

polished horn handle

Back side of the polished horn handle of the Arabic Jambiya.

tempered jambiya blade

Tempered EN45 carbon steel blade of the Jambiya Dagger.

brass accented horn handle

The brass accents highlight the polished horn handle of the Arabic Jambiya.

jambiya leather scabbard

The Jambiya comes complete with a handmade leather scabbard.

deepeeka arabic jambiya

The Jambiya comes from the Arabic origin of dagger.

arabic jambiya

The Jambiya is found in every country that has been inhabited by the Arabs, from Turkey to the Balkans, even in Spain.

jambiya dagger

It has a typical curved blade with a medial ridge. It was mainly common in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. It was worn as an accessory by the men in that era.

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