Cultural Items

Swords, Armour, Weapons, Daggers from several cultures

Every culture is uniquely identified by their warrior. A warrior is generally defined as one who is habitually engaged or experienced in battle as well as one who is aggressively engaged in a conflict. In almost all societies, which the specialized warriors existed, there was a specific code of behavior, which was instituted to ensure the warrior class was not dangerous to its citizens. In many tribal societies the warrior would form it's own class as compared to a warrior under a feudal system, which was called upon at a time of war. In some cultures the entire male population were considered warriors such as the Viking and many Germanic tribes. Because of the importance warriors played in history many skilled men would also become mercenaries and engage in military campaigns for money. Many of the warrior codes had common features such as loyalty, courage and honor as displayed in the strict code of Bushido.

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